Customer Testimonials

Highly recommend , the guys were very helpful , professional and were onlyRead more Ben Huston 11/12/2019
The service from SA - was very professional, customised, sensitive, andRead more Wolfgang Von Muller 15/11/2019
I would thoroughly recommend people purchase from Selected Autos. Lee wasRead more Tania Irwin-Youens 2/11/2019
My partner and I were looking for a new car online for some time but keptRead more Emilee Polaczuk 15/02/2019
Bought a gleaming 2007 Golf GTI from Lee and Glen on Sat, and want to sayRead more Tony Cook 28/01/2019
Bought my Audi A4 1.8L turbo S line from here, awesome car and awesomeRead more Taina Fox-Matamua 20/12/2018
Just bought A4 Audi immaculate condition fantastic price and serviceRead more Ian Ayrton 20/12/2018
This company acted fast to a request of mine, even years after theRead more Anthony Holder 11/12/2018
Just bought my golf wagon from lee and the gang being a out of town buyerRead more Thomas Mahoney 6/06/2018
I brought a hot BMW 120i Off lee a couple of weeks ago, awesomeRead more Anthony Waldron 26/09/2017
Excellent dealt with Lee, i held back on posting for a while. Its beenRead more John Ha 10/03/2017
Great place to buy a car! After spending several months traipsing aroundRead more Di Murphy 16/01/2017
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